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- Mocca -
Singer / Voice Artist
木歌 -Mocca- 2000年から歌う人。
音楽の不思議な力を通して、ダンスや絵画、大人と子ども、健常者も障がい者も、今も昔も、あの世もこの世も?みんな一緒のボーダレスな世界を体験したいと思っている岐阜県(日本の真ん中) 出身のアーティスト。...
Artist from Gifu Prefecture (Itʼs in the middle of Japan)
Mocca has been singing since 2000
Through the mystic power of music, Mocca has aspired to embody a world where there are no borders between dance and painting, adults and children, the present and the past, the afterlife and this world, ...